TRIDENT Postshot Report:
Flyer Impact Experiments on NiTi and NiAl,
March 2002 - "Flying Pig"

Reference:P-24-U:2003-037; LA-UR-03-3164
From:Damian Swift, P-24
Date:March 22, 2002

Flying Pig



This note summarizes the `Flying Pig' series of TRIDENT materials experiments performed from 5 to 7 March 2002. This work was in support of the FY'00/02 LDRD-ER on martensitic phase changes (PIs: Dan Thoma and Allan Hauer) and the FY'02/04 LDRD-DR on shocks in anisotropic media (PI: Aaron Koskelo).


The overall objectives of this experimental series were to continue the previous set of measurements on equation of state (EOS) and strength data for martensitic NiTi alloys and NiAl alloys [1]. These experiments complement ab initio calculations and more complicated experiments.

The specific objectives of these experiments were:

In both cases, we wanted to increase the maximum pressures generated and to improve on the accuracy, compared with the previous experiments.


Table 1 shows the dates of the experiments. As hoped, this work was able to follow a series of flyer development tests, so most of the equipment was already set up. The flyer trials finished earlier than originally planned, and the LDRD experiments were allocated a single week rather than the two expected, so preparations were rushed and there was less time than we had hoped. In addition, the experimental arrangement used for the flyer development tests had diverged further than expected from the set-up planned for the LDRD experiments, so a significant amount of time (mainly over the sweekend) was spent in returning the optics to their previous arrangement. Some useful improvements were made to the diagnostics, so this effort was not wasted. (Table 2.)

Start of TRIDENT time11 Mar4 Mar
First shot11 Mar5 Mar
Last shot21 Mar7 Mar

Table 1. Calendar of events.

Duration2 weeks1 week
Laser available8 days4 days
Shots (time after set-up)7.5 days3 days
Table 2. Period, availability and usage.


For commonality with the previous LDRD experiments, PMMA substrates were used.

Flyers were NiTi, NiAl, or copper. As before, the copper flyers were punched from Goodfellow foils.

NiTi samples of two compositions (batch codes 5B and 6B) were again provided by R. Hackenberg (MST-7). These included flyers, ~100 to 200 µm thick and 5 mm in diameter, and semicircular targets, ~100 to 400 µm thick. Compared with the previous samples, where the relatively dull finish caused problems with VISAR signals, the samples used here were polished to a near-mirror finish on the side facing the VISARs. The velocimetry signals were correspondingly better.

Samples of NiAl crystal cut along (100) and (110) planes were provided by K. McClellan and J. Brooks (MST-8). These were irregularly-shaped pieces, ~100 to 400 µm thick, and included samples large enough to be used as flyers.

Each flyer was attached to its substrate with five-minute epoxy, the flyer being pressed down to minimize the thickness of the glue layer. Spacer rings, punched from plastic shim stock, were inserted between the substrate and the target assembly (i.e. the window) to allow space for the flyer to accelerate. The distance from the free surface of the flyer to the impact surface of the sample is referred to as the barrel length. The complete assembly was screwed together in a target holder.

A small number of shots at the start of the series were dedicated to verifying that the acceleration history of the flyer was essentially as measured in December, and hence that the barrel length required to reach the maximum speed could be calculated in the same way without needing additional characterisation shots.

All final assembly was performed in-house at TRIDENT.


As planned, we used the Johnson line VISAR and a point VISAR. The input/output optics were as used previously [2], except that the laser beam for the point VISAR was coupled directly rather than through a fibre, and was separated from the return signal using a beamsplitter. This idea, from Randy Johnson, made it easier to align the laser spot with the target while maintaining a higher signal level for a given laser power.

Timing markers were incorporated on the streak record. As before, the probe laser was made to produce a long (~1.5 µs) pulse to be able to capture the acceleration and impact of the flyer.

Since the P-24 point VISAR was not complete, we used the Sandia VISAR borrowed for the preceding experiments. The P-24 Verde laser was used.

The following types of target were used:

These experimental designs were chosen based on practical experiences in calculating mechanical properties from the different types of experiment used in December [3,4]. This time, no effort was made to recover samples.

Drive beam

TRIDENT was operated in long-pulse mode, driving with the A beam. This configuration was the same as the preceding flyer development shots, except that the pulse length was considerably shorter for the LDRD shots, making it easier for a smooth drive history to be maintained. The IR random-phase plate (RPP) was added to smooth the beam; this made a significant difference to the spatial uniformity. The drive energy was quite low, so no RPP shield was included. There was no observable damage to the RPP.


Table 3 summarizes the number of experiments fired of each type. We assumed a firing rate of 8 shots per day in our original plans; this had previously been found to be practical for sustained firing. In the event, we managed a rate of ~10 shots per day, even though a few hours were lost when a Trident amplifier was damaged by an electrical arc on 5 Mar. (There was some further delay on 6 Mar when the prove laser for the line VISAR became unstable; this was attributed possibly to the Verde laser power supply being next to the probe laser.) In fact, 14 shots were fired on 7 Mar: a record (by one shot) for Trident.

Diagnostic timing34
NiTi 5B103
NiTi 6B204
NiAl (100)109
NiAl (110)209
Shots per day810actual: 6, 9, 14

Table 3. Shot statistics.

Table 4 summarizes the configuration of each shot.

ShotFlyerBarrelTargetEnergy Line VISARPoint VISARComments
(µm) (J) sweepdelaysweepdelay
5 Mar
14376Cu, 105 µm300 (pink)LiF11 10002363300010000point late, line OK
14377Cu, 105 µm300LiF10 1000236330002000 point OK but timebase too long, line too early (wanted to catch impact; we changed the wrong delay)
14378Cu, 105 µm300LiF11 1000330030002000 point: ~1 W for ~150 mV pk/pk; no line record, point good - a little early
14379NiTi 6B, 160 µm300 (brown + transp)LiF11 1000330030002750 point: 100 mW for 400 mV pk/pk; line late, point good; accelerating on impact
14380NiTi 6B, 164 µm300 (brown + transp)LiF14 1000250030002750 point: signal low (didn't check alignment under vacuum) but prob OK; line: caught accel, missed impact, looks like plasma leaked from sides
14381GE-NiAl- D5-1-100-100-1, 94 µm300 (brown + transp)LiF12 1000300030002750 point: 200 mW for 200 mV pk/pk; point data prob OK (early ringing); line didn't show much - plasma again?
6 Mar
14383Cu, 55 µm350 (pink)LiF13 1000240030002750point: 75 mW for 400 mV pk/pk; point signal good (early ringing again); line OK: accel + impact
14384NiTi 6B, 106 µm300 (pink)LiF14 1000280030002750point: 10 mW for 400 mV pk/pk; point good; line looks like plasma leak
14385NiTi 6B, 203 µm200 (pink)LiF11 1000280030002750 point: good; line: ?plasma leak
14386NiTi 5B, 160 µm240 (pink)LiF11 1000280030002750 point: good; line: low contrast (rough flyer) but accel + impact
14387GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-1, 228 µm150 (pink)LiF 10002800300027509 point: good; line: accel + impact + ring down
14388GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-2, 262 µm120 (pink)LiF 100028003000275010 point: good; line: accel + impact + ring down
14389GE-NiAl- D5-1-100-350-10, 375 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)LiF11 1000280030002750 point: looks good; line: accel + impact + ring down
14390GE-NiAl- D5-1-100-350-6, 389 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)LiF11 1000280030002750 point looks OK; line: accel but no clear impact, low contrast
14391Cu, 105 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-001-200-2, 221 µm10 1000280030002750 point: good flyer accel; line: looks like a slow accel; no sign of a shock breakout
7 Mar
14393Cu, 105 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-4, 264 µm10 1000280030002750 point: good flyer accel; line: looks like a slow accel; no sign of a shock breakout
14394Cu, 55 µm400 (pink on flyer surf)NiTi 5B, 104 µm12 1000280030002750 point: nice accel; line: end of accel + shock breakout (tilted)
14395Cu, 55 µm400 (pink on flyer surf)NiTi 5B, 93 µm20 1000280030002750 point: nice accel; line: end of accel + shock breakout
14396Cu, 55 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-3, 260 µm5 1000320030002750 point: nice accel; line: probe failed
14397Cu, 55 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-5, 242 µm6 1000320030002750 point: nice accel; line: probe weak but caught shock
14398Cu, 55 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-7, 229 µm11 1000240030002750 point: nice shock breakout; line: nice accel + reasonable shock breakout (tilted)
14399Cu, 55 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-001-200-1, 198 µm11 1000240030002750 point: nice shock breakout; line: nice accel, ?plasma across sample => no clear shock
14400Cu, 105 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-6, 268 µm 1000240030002750 point: nice flyer accel; line: nice accel but missed shock (too early)
14401Cu, 105 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-001-350-2, 348 µm10 1000310030002750 point: nice flyer accel; line: flyer accel, sample v early precursor then shock
14402Cu, 250 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-001-400-3, 393 µm11 1000340030002750 point: looks OK for flyer accel; line: v early precursor then shock
14403Cu, 250 µm140 (blue on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-100-400-1, 391 µm9 1000340030002750 point: looks OK for flyer accel; line: v early precursor then shock
14404Cu, 105 µm260 (brown on flyer surf)GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-250-4, 253 µm11 1000310030002750 point: nice flyer accel; line: sample v early precursor, dark region, then shock
14405GE-NiAl- D5-1-110-400-3, 392 µm150 (yellow)LiF10 1000320030002750 point: looks good; line: OK accel; impact at end of record
14406GE-NiAl- D5-1-001-350-4, 350 µm150 (yellow)LiF11 1000340030002750 point: looks good; line: accel ~OK, then messy - plasma leak?

Table 4. Summary of all shots.

In all cases, the spot diameter was ~5 mm, the drive laser delivered energy at 1.054 µm (IR), the dynamic diagnostic was VISAR velocimetry, the drive pulse was ~600 ns long, and the streak trigger delayed 500 ns from the probe laser trigger. Unless stated, all flyers were launched from a substrate of PMMA/C/Al/Al2O3/Al, to which they were glued with epoxy. Where used, LiF windows were ~1020 µm thick.


  1. Point VISAR on Cu flyers: over ~200 mW, the signal return dropped sharply after the shutter was opened.

Log of notable events


Reasonable data were obtained on most shots.

For both NiTi (two compositions) and NiAl (two orientations), we collected data from a flyer of the sample material impacting a LiF window, and data from a copper flyer impacting the sample material. A range of impact speeds was used, up to a few hundred metres per second. In the case of the window impact data, the data collected were the flyer acceleration history and the deceleration on impact. For the copper flyer experiments, the data were flyer acceleration history and the free surface velocity history of the sample. The experiments concentrated on the sample types for which less (or no) data were obtained in December.

It should be possible to extract further EOS and strength data on NiTi and NiAl from these experiments.


Useful data were obtained on the dynamic response of NiTi and NiAl, and on flyer acceleration. As in December, fewer experiments were fired than was hoped; this was caused by limits on the TRIDENT time available. The firing rate was higher than expected during the time the laser was available.

Detailed analysis of the VISAR data is in progress.

We would like to have further TRIDENT time to complete the planned measurements on NiAl, as well as to perform follow-up work.


Bob Hackenberg (MST-6) and Ken McClellan (MST-8) spent a lot of time preparing samples. We would like to thank the TRIDENT staff including Randy Johnson, Tom Hurry, Tom Ortiz, Fred Archuleta, Nathan Okamoto, and Ray Gonzales for their hard work on the experiments. Dennis Paisley provided experimental advice and help with the analysis and interpretation of VISAR records.

This work was performed in part under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract # W-7405-ENG-36.


  1. D.C. Swift, TRIDENT Postshot Report: Flyer Impact Experiments on NiTi and NiAl, December 2001 - "Pink Flamingo", LA-UR in preparation (2002).
  2. D.L. Paisley, D.C. Swift, R.P. Johnson, J.C. Lashley and J.G. Niemczura, Flyer plates launched with long laser pulses, LA-UR-01-5814 (2001).
  3. D.C. Swift and R. Hackenberg, Laser-launched flyer experiments on nickel -- titanium alloy, LA-UR-02-1658 (2002).
  4. D.C. Swift and K. McClellan, Laser-launched flyer experiments on nickel -- aluminium alloy, LA-UR in preparation (2002).


Allan HauerICF&RP Program
Steve BathaICF&RP Experiments
Dan ThomaLDRD-ER
Aaron KoskeloLDRD-DR
Cris BarnesP-24 Group
Carter MunsonP-24 Group
Robert GibsonTRIDENT team
George KyralaP-24 Target Physics Team
Dennis PaisleyP-24 Materials