Equation of state models for white dwarf elements

Damian Swift, dswift@llnl.gov October 22, 2020 (LLNL-MI-815959)

Atom-in-jellium calculations: INFERNO V81k (includes jellium oscillation ion-thermal contributions).

Tables in SESAME units (g/cc, K, GPa, MJ/kg) and data order.

For each:
   nrho nT
(2D tables are pressure, specific internal energy, and specific Helmholtz free energy.)



This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.


D.C. Swift, T. Lockard, S. Hamel, C.J. Wu, L.X. Benedict, P.A. Sterne, and H.D. Whitley, arXiv:2103.03371 (2021).